Company Profile
BMS Consulting is an established real estate appraisal firm located in North Delta, British Columbia, Canada. We specialize in real estate appraisal and consulting services throughout the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley of British Columbia. For the past 20 years we have had extensive experience in all types of property valuation. We have earned a reputation for professionalism and high standards through strict adherence to the Regulations and Standards of the Appraisal Institute of Canada.

Continually upgrading real estate knowledge to keep pace with this rapidly changing industry is a must when dealing with our client's largest asset - their homes.

Our Mission Statement
Provide the client with the knowledge to make the most informed decisions.
Deliver our expertise in high quality reports.
Customize our services for the client's needs.

Real Estate Consulting & Valuation Appraisals
At BMS Consulting Ltd, we have the experience and resources to provide you and your clients with trusted, in-depth, real estate appraisal and analysis. Our firm provides professional opinions and real property appraisal valuations for many purposes such as:

  • Mortgage security purposes
  • Current market value of a property being bought or sold
  • Property tax assessments
  • Capital gains and income tax purposes
  • Employee Relocations
  • Estate and Litigation matters
  • Compensation due to expropriation situations

We understand that some of our clients are unfamiliar with appraisal methodologies and standards, and take great pride in making the process as clear and straight forward as possible. BMS Consulting Ltd. is devoted to providing high caliber appraisal reports and professional consulting services at a competitive fee. Accurate market information requires a high degree of research, analysis, and a thorough understanding of the local real estate markets.

What is an Appraisal?
Well it begins with a site inspection. An appraiser's duty is to inspect the property being appraised to ascertain the true status of that property. He or she must actually see features, such as the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, the location, and so on, to ensure that they really exist and are in the condition a reasonable buyer would expect them to be. The inspection often includes a sketch of the property, ensuring the proper square footage and conveying the layout of the property. Most importantly, the appraiser looks for any obvious features - or defects - that would affect the value of the house.

Once the site has been inspected, an appraiser will begin to research additional information regarding the property from municipal authorities, Land Titles office, etc. and at this point will begin to gather market data for analysis purposes to include in the report.

An Appraisal Report contains information relevant to independent property valuation, including the purpose of the appraisal, other qualifying conditions, neighbourhood conditions, property identification, data analysis, the value estimate and the effective date of the appraisal. All reports are also signed & certified, and may contain support material such as maps, charts, or photographs.

All reports will demonstrate either one or more of the three basic data-processing methodologies used to arrive at an indication of value:

1. The Cost Approach estimates the cost of constructing a new building similar to the subject being appraised, based on current prices, and subtracting accumulated depreciation and adding the estimated market land value.

2. The Income Approach may be used for income-producing properties and is based on the theory that value is the present worth of the income stream the property is capable of producing when developed to its fullest use. The net operating income from the property is capitalized into value by the appropriate method and rate.

3. The Direct Comparison Approach is based upon the theory that an informed purchaser would pay no more for the property than the cost of acquiring another existing equivalent property. The value estimate is based on the selling price of comparable properties.

Contact Us

Brian Smith, President

: (604) 339-0274


Service Area
Geographic concentration for our general practice, is within the Greater Vancouver region, throughout the Fraser Valley out to Abbotsford and Mission.

Memberships & Designations
Member of Appraisal Institute of Canada in good standing since 1993 – CRA

Education & Experience
Real Estate Appraisal

Certificate - Langara College
UBC Sauder School of Business

Recognized as an Expert Witness – Supreme Court of BC 


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